Over here you will find free cliparts in SVG, emf, wmf and png format to be used in projects or presentations..

Free Cliparts start with 's' letter

Skeleton With Arms Out Silhouette
Skeleton With Arms Out Silh...
50 kb 
Symbol of the International Atomic Energy Agency
Symbol of the International...
21 kb 
Soldiers charging
Soldiers charging
148 kb 
Secret agent
Secret agent
120 kb 
Statue Of Liberty
Statue Of Liberty
6 mb 
Samuel Rogers
Samuel Rogers
3 mb 
Stylized Mexican Eagle Silhouette
Stylized Mexican Eagle Silh...
28 kb 
Stylized Sheep Line Art
Stylized Sheep Line Art
20 kb 
Stylized Rabbit Line Art
Stylized Rabbit Line Art
7 kb 
Stylized Goat Line Art
Stylized Goat Line Art
11 kb 
Stylized Cow Line Art
Stylized Cow Line Art
14 kb 
Stylized Chicken Line Art
Stylized Chicken Line Art
11 kb 
Stylized Horse Line Art
Stylized Horse Line Art
11 kb 
Storm Mage Emotions
Storm Mage Emotions
573 kb 
Sarigue amigo
Sarigue amigo
20 kb 
100 kb 
Suits for Little People
Suits for Little People
203 kb 
Signal 3
Signal 3
3 kb 
Space Soldier
Space Soldier
79 kb 
street lamp-silhouette
street lamp-silhouette
6 kb 
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