free vector clipart Apollo

Statue of Apollo Belvedere (Vatican, Rome). Source:

This image comes from the 4th edition of Meyers Konversationslexikon (1885-90), it is therefore Public Domain.

First uploaded to de.wp by user:Stefan Kühn. Background whitened by Tzzzpfff. Converted to SVG by Warszawianka.

Tags: media, clip_art, externalsource, public_domain, image, png, svg, ancient, greek, art, mythology, religion, deity, god, sculpture, statue, drawing, wikimedia_commons, apollo, ancient, greek, art, mythology, religion, deity, god, sculpture, statue, drawing, wikimedia_commons, apollo

Clipart Details

Downloaded 240 times
Viewed Total 6638
File Size 169 kb
Uploaded On July, 24 2010
Uploaded By warszawianka
(Not Rated Yet)

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