free vector clipart Mother and Child

Mother and Child
An original Merlin2525 creation. Mother and Child. Created with Inkscape.

Tags: abrazando, abrazar, abrazo, afeccion, afección, afecto, affection, aimer, amado, amar, amor, amoroso, amour, baby, bebe, bebé, birth, bébé, calor, care, carino, cariño, chaleur, cherir, cherish, chica, chico, child, church, chérir, clip art, clipart, cria, crio, cría, crío, cuidar, dar, dieu, dios, donner, dorloter, eglise, embrace, embracing, embrasser, enfant, etreindre, fille, fillette, fils, gamin, garçon, god, hija, hijo, hug, iglesia, infant, infantil, jesus, jesús, la, love, luz, madre, mama, maman, mamá, maria, mary, María, Materner, Mere, Mimar, Mom, Mother, Mère, Nacimiento, Naissance, Nene, Nina, Nino, Niña, Niño, Parir, Pequena, Pequeno, Pequeña, Equeño, Petit, Prohijar, Querer, Religion, Religión, Soin, Soins, Tender, Tendre, Tierno, to, Veiller, Warmth, Eglise, Etreindre

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File Size 9 kb
Uploaded On December, 06 2013
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