free vector clipart hot air balloon - (Work In Progress)

hot air balloon - (Work In Progress)
this image is a work in progress, please do not rate yet... comments are welcome. Im experimenting with developing an image and showing my process at the same time by uploading incremental images...

I am using InkScape to edit my svg's

Third Increment
i scrapped the shading of the prevoious step, and tried to bevel the edges of a section of the balloon. The only way i could think of doing this is by putting incrementally lower opacity lines parrell to the join. PLEASE HELP! is there any way of setting a gradient to a path in inkscape??

Second Increment
Changed the colours of the segements and started shading them

First Increment
Here i simply outlined the sections of the ballon.

Initial Image:
I got this image from the StockExchange.

any suggestions/comments/ideas would be appriciated...


P.S, i will move this how i did it to the how i did it section when im fully finished...

Tags: media, clip_art, public_domain, image, svg, jpg, balloon, hot, air, hot_air_balloon, sky, recreation, balloon, hot, air, hot_air_balloon, sky, recreation

Clipart Details

Downloaded 206 times
Viewed Total 2940
File Size 36 kb
Uploaded On July, 23 2010
Uploaded By ryanlerch
(Not Rated Yet)

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