free vector clipart Black Skimmer

Black Skimmer
A line art drawing of a Black Skimmer by Bob Hines for the US Fish and Wildlife Service.
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Tags: media, clip_art, public_domain, image, png, svg, fws, fws_lineart, line_art, bird, black, skimmer, black_skimmer, rynchops_niger, rynchops, niger, fws, fws_lineart, line_art, bird, black, skimmer, black_skimmer, rynchops_niger, rynchops, niger

Clipart Details

Downloaded 149 times
Viewed Total 2492
File Size 15 kb
Uploaded On July, 23 2010
Uploaded By USA Fish and Wildlife Service, Bob Hines ryanlerch
(Not Rated Yet)

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