Over here you will find free cliparts in SVG, emf, wmf and png format to be used in projects or presentations..

Search Results for 'emoticon'

Nervous Smiley
Nervous Smiley
87 kb 
Silly Smiley
Silly Smiley
31 kb 
Square Smiley
Square Smiley
8 kb 
Simple Yellow Smiley
Simple Yellow Smiley
17 kb 
Thumbs Up Smiley Face
Thumbs Up Smiley Face
16 kb 
8 kb 
6 kb 
Perplexed Smiley Face
Perplexed Smiley Face
47 kb 
Router Emoticon
Router Emoticon
2 kb 
Square Emoticons
Square Emoticons
11 kb 
Angry Smiley
Angry Smiley
6 kb 
Awesome Face Smiley
Awesome Face Smiley
4 kb 
30 kb 
Silly Face
Silly Face
71 kb 
Awesome Demon
Awesome Demon
27 kb 
4 kb 
temper fish
temper fish
119 kb 
xx bean
xx bean
20 kb 
Mean Pirate Kid
Mean Pirate Kid
24 kb 
Pirate Bean
Pirate Bean
33 kb 
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